Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Basic Biology?

No wonder kids are so stupid these days when other stupid people do their homework for them. In the length of time it took to type out the question Tony could have looked up the answer in any dictionary

Why do the Brisbane Lions have double standards with off-field indiscretions when Brendan Fevola is involved?

Most likely it was that player's FIRST discretion. How many chances has the FEV had????? He's almost as bad as the Cuz. Remember HIM? Then you have the ZERO tolerance that COLLINGWOOD employ

Will there ever be a debate where someone actually answers a quesiton?

I hate watching the debates because all it is is finger pointing at the other candidate, or jabbering on about something that has nothing to do with the question. Why can't they just answer a question??? Why can't the moderator stop them from rambling and just make them answer the question. Threaten if they don't just answer, that they will be kicked out of the debate. I understand explaining your position, but only after answering.

Rate this joke on a 1 - 10 scale if 10 is the lowest, OK?

Brazzington hit Burlington about midnight. The night was clear and the road was crisp and bright from the headlights he had just cleaned at the Sunoco station 20 miles back. "Oh darn it," Brazzington screamed at the top of his lungs to nobody since he was alone, "I am a lunatic. I am a lunatic. I am insane" Suddenly a Genie came out of the day/night mirror with the radio station number glowing in the extra cost radio option embedded in the El Dorado mirror. The Genie said "Brazzington, I will grant you one wish. I would suggest you do not wish for a million wishes because if you do I will crinkle your backbone and smash your head with these hammers I am holding." Brazzington thought for a while and screamed at the Genie, "You are insane too! I must say the chant that Buffy and Willow left written down inserted in my right pocket which holds the pocket protecter and the little six inch ruler. So here goes: 'E Pluribus Insane; E Pluribus Brain; E Pluribus put a big hex [no more space]

What Caliber to use to hunt Crocodiles?!?

G'day mate,if your in Australia you cant shoot crocodiles they are protected,but if you need to protect yr self you can shoot it but you cant take the skin because if you do they will charge you for shooting a protected species.But if i came across one i would be using a 308 cal because i would be hunting wild pig in the areas where the croc's would be .cheers mate

If Paranormal Activity IS fake (and I'm not saying it isn't) how would you fake it?

Movie producers can fake almost anything. Just start watching many movies and television shows and you will see many things faked that look real. that is why it is called a movie.

Please help!!.....has anyone had or heard?

I had my tubes tied 6 yrs ago. From Sept. to Jan. I did not have a period, Jan. was a bit heavy, but not outrageous. Feb. nothing, March I started bleeding on the 2 and it is sometimes heavy with lots of clots, others its regular, and I was bleeding for 22 days.....I had bw and ultrasound in Dec. which showed only a few cysts on my ovaries.....Friday I had more bw and another ultrasound, the tech couldn't tell me much, but she did say that she has never seen fibroid pop up within a few months, so that's out of the question, however I am ually active, and had 3 days ago, that night I craved oj the next night I puked my guts up, and stay nauseated, my are sore, my body aches, alot of pregnancy symptoms, but is there anything besides being pregnant that makes you feel you are??.....I have to wait 2 weeks before I go to the doc for results, my nerves are shot, and I am scared so any input is appreciated!! Thanks!!

Should Paracetemol be banned?

Paracetamol is dangerous to your liver. Take one pill and live less. But on the other hand, the pill will take away a lot of burden for your body, make you live longer. So on one hand it hurts your liver, but it helps to cure health problems that would otherwise damage your body even more. So the pill takes one step back and two steps forward. It's like I punch you in the face and then you punch me in the .

Do you know any pretty females that moved to Atlanta to meet rich celebrities?

I've met a couple shallow women that moved to ATL to meet and party with celebrities. they are used up groupies now. how many have u met?

Italian Eggplant-Zucchini-Tomato Stew?

My Napolitani inlaws make a ratatouille-like vegetable stew that they call what sounds like "paska neesh" (maybe pasqua nizzo?) Does anyone know the correct name and spelling in Italian?

I am on the atkins diet......?

i have been on it for 4 days now!!!when do u really start losing weight???i wanna lose 20 before june!is this possible?has anyone had good results with this?

Would i look good with this hair cut?

it doesn't show your pic but i think that if the red colour was a little darker then it would be better

I have a 3 mth kitten with a sinus infection. Vet put him on 10 days of Clavimox its not working. What will?

I have a 3 month foster old kitten with a left over sinus infection. He did have pnemonia in the left lung but it cleared up with Clavimox. He still has trouble breathing, has thick mucous draining from nose. Left eye has some drainage. The vet put him on Clavimox again but it is not working for the sinus isuse. He eats very well, plays all the time and is very loving. What antibiotic would work best for the sinus infection? He is soooooooooo ready for his forever home but not with the sinus problem. Thank You, FosterMom Cindy

Can I have a profitable LLC in my name and still collect my social security? I am not an employee of the LLC?

I believe there is a threshold for SS. You can make up to a certain dollar amount without disruption to SS.


i'm 14 yrs. old, i had chicken pox when i was about 3 or 4 or something. i just recently got the varicella shot...i guess i didn't need that because i have already had chicken pox why should i try to prevent it? 2 months later...after the shot....(now)....i have red itchy, painful bumps developeing on the left side of me stomach..and one by itself on my right side. they are preety widespread right now...but they are red and yesterday the heads were white but now it looks a little crusty like a mosquito bite...do i have shingles??

About the battery problem?

I want to know about the junction box my friend had just told me. I had a problem with my mazda3, the battery on its gauge initially gets illuminated even if the car engine's starts already. After some kilometers of driving, it disappears. At first, I thought the problem is the battery itself, so I bought new one. Then there's still illuminating battery on the gauge, so we thought maybe it's the alternator which has the problem. But then as I continuously drive the car, the problem with the battery disappears. But everytime I start driving it always appear. Why was it keeps on happening??? My friend had just told me it's the "junction box" that has the problem. I'd like to know what it is and how am I going to do to get rid of the problem.

2012, the year of modern future start?

Everyone is now talking about 2012, they said asteroid will crush onto us, and many future interesting prediction. Is that really will happen in the next three years?

Which Warm up exercises I should do before weight lifting?

5 minutes of slow paced cardio then 5 reps of stretching (the muscles you are planning to work on) is the best warmup.

Fantasy trade baseball trade was proposed to me... help!!!?

You are getting ripped off. You are giving up the two best pieces in the trade, who are very elite players. You're also giving up a shortstop who is hitting in a hitter's park, and a pretty good young pitcher for very, very average pieces.

Ewww Sweat!?

Ok, i'm 14 years old, 6 feet tall and VERY athletic. However, just by jogging around a little bit outside not even for very long i start to sweat like crazy. My feet sweat 24/7 even when i'm not doing any moving at all... also all this sweat is making me smell bad :( My cl will come in from recess and i'll be soaking in sweat and i'll smell terrible. My feet smell worse than of it... i've tried anti persiperant for my armpits..DOESN"T work i've tried powder for my shoes and socks DOESN"T work i've tried everything! I take a shower twice a day but i still can not seem to stop the sweat or the terrible Body Odor that comes with it! PLEASE HELP ME!!!

Who will take the place of the late Robert Byrd, who has ped away?

Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton perhaps? They are probably the biggest racists in America today. Maybe they should go with a man racist against whites and Hispanics this time around.

I need to know details regarding Hughes & Moore hospital located in Birmingham, UK, authentic info needed.....

Did any of u recieve any appointment letter from Hughes and Moore Hospital asking to report for duty from 30th Sept 2007, and this mail was followed by a mail from a travel agent asking for payment of 850 pounds for visa processing and handling charges, this looks like a real scam, be careful

Block incoming calls n sms on nokia2700?

is there any java application freeware to block unwanted numbers to call and sms on my phone....i have found it but its in .sis format ...and not working on my phone .. is there any way to convert .sis to .jar ? ...or any other tick if you know ..thianks

Does the quran compliment the bible?

i was reading the final sermon of the prophet mohammed, and it was quite uncomplicated and profound at the same time. i find it interesting that the muslims do believe in Jesus and other historical events that were recorded in the bible. it was also interesting that the prophet talked about husbands respecting their wives, which muslims are unfortunately not well known for, which happens in every religion, i guess...

Amnesty for Law breakers?

Illegal is illegal. She needs to go back to Guatemala. It's nice if we could let everyone live in the U.S. that would like to do so. That would mean about 90% of the world would move here. Sorry. Illegal is illegal.

Is a good free breakfast important to get you to stay at a hotel?

I work at a little inn and the owner keeps cutting back on breakfast. He has even mentioned getting rid of it entirely. We currently serve Costco bagels (with cream cheese), costco muffins, sliced apples and oranges, gs, OJ, Folgers coffee, and tea. Do you think this is an acceptable breakfast? Our rates range anywhere from $69 (a special during the off season on a weekday) to $250 for a nice room with a view on a weekend in the summer.

J*** In My Pants Shades that Adam Sandberg is wearing?

Does anyone know what the blue shades (or gles) are called that Adam Sandberg is wearing in the SNL J*** In My Pants video?

Are tent footprints waterproof?

I just bought a Kelty tent and footprint. I'm used to the cheaper oldschool tents where you bring along a tarp to put under the tent as a ground cloth. I'm just wondering if the footprint on this Kelty tent replaces that, or if it's just to prevent rocks from tearing and such. Do I still need a ground cloth?

Vampire Diaries 'Memory Lane' preview?

I'm confused. Okay, so, if you go on the cw website, there's a longer preview for next week's episode of Vampire Diaries 'Memory Lane'. In one part, it shows Elena playing pool, and Damon comes up behind her and kisses her. Is it Katherine or Elena? I'm about 99% sure it's Elena because her hair is strait and she's wearing the same shirt, but it confused me when Damon kissed her and she laughed. What do you think?

How is it that babies are considered '' miracles '' scientifically speaking?

I believe in God, creationism, etc.. but I've heard doctors who don't, even say that babies are actual miracles. Can someone explain that to me from a scientific point of view, as I want to know what they mean ? Thanks !

What are some nice vanilla-ery perfumes?

Lol OMG I love vanilla perfumes ! Ok so theres VIVA LA JUICY by juicy couture this one smells good like vanilla and candy buts kind of pricey then theres AMOR AMOR by cacheral this one cheaper and comes in a pretty lil red bottle with a rose on it and then theres HOT by ralph lauren and this one smells kind of exotic all these perfumes have vanilla notes in them

How to kiss a guy...? PLEASE HELP!?

Ok so I've never kissed a guy, big deal. I just never felt the need to. Anyways, my boyfriend resently brought up the idea of it and of where we could kiss so we wouldn't get caught at school and get a PDA(Public Display of Affection). But the problem is, I have no earthly idea what to do. Please help!!!!

Why is everyone surprised when NCAA football and basketball players...?

Are receiving improper benefits when they walk around in diamonds that cost more than most people's house? Especially at the drafts. They wear like $500,000 in jewelry with a Hugo Boss suit. Where the hell do they get they money for that?

Monday, November 14, 2011

I need an airsoft holographic sight?

If it's the same as this one then yes a href="http://www.airsoftpost.com/product_info.php?cPath=32_182&products_id=28462" rel="nofollow"http://www.airsoftpost.com/product_info.…/a if not then I recommend buying the one I just showed.

Hugh Hefner? Who's dating who?

Hugh Hefner, who is he dating now? I heard he kicked Holly to the curb. I think Kendra is supposedly dating Hank Baskett from the Eagles. And Bridget, I guess she's too old, so he wants these young felon twins. Is he going senial? What is really going on?

Missing my ex?

ok I know Im stupid for missing him. He broke up with me 2 weeks ago said he needed space. I guess he missed hanging out with his friends because we were always together..which was his idea. Hes had alrready broke up with me before 4 months ago wanting space but called a week later crying wanting me back. ITs been 2 weeks and im still hurting...i feel liek crap........i thought he was going to want me back again but it still hasnt happened..do u think he will come back..im 24 hes 22 so that might have somthing to do with it...hes not ready for a serious relationship? Iwant him back..even though he broke my heart i still want him back soo bad

What would happen if Prophet Mohammed is born now,in 21st century ?

He would be a Raelian with the messages, relevent for todays world, from our creators written by our living prophet Maitreya Rael. Moses and Buddha would also be raelians if they were alive today.

Should I propose this trade?

i need pitching so i want to try to get Volquez and Saunders for Garret Atkins and Jorge Cantu since the other team needs hitters. Would the other person accept?

How much do Uggs cost at different stores?

the cheapest on your list is going to be the ugg outlet because it knocks down prices of original boot prices. they range form about 100-200 normally

I just became pretty good at ollieng on a skate board but i dont ollie that high.?

i know to go higher is to suck your knees into ur chest but when i do, the board doesn't go high with me, i will jump but my board wont, causing me to catch it under my feet on my way down how can i get the board to go high with me.

Were there a lot of scabs playing in the '87 strike season in the NFL?

just wondering as Reggie White put up 21 sacks in 12 games (=28 in 16) and Jerry Rice had 22 TD (which is ~29 in 16 games). Both would have been official records if they continued the production, but I thought that maybe some teams might have had scab players and the competition would have been lower.

Who likes Contemporary Christian music?

I am a Christian who is trying to find christian "rock artist" that keep are enjoyable the way I truely like secular music(beatles,Zeppilin). So far...I have added to my collection - Jars of Clay and FFH(one of these days)great song!!!!! Im glad you posted this question. I hope someone can make some good christian rock suggestions!

Why are people so cynical about beauty?

because look at what type of society we live in. Its constantly pushing "how to lose weight" "how to get looks like the stars"...ect ect. there's so much influence on being beautiful and thin and having a nice body, even if the majority of people aren't like that there's the pressure to have that and be like that. its completely degrading and stupid.

EARTH HOUR: short question?

cool, i was wondering when that was, thanks for the reminder, but if its am time, i will be sleeping so i guess im gonna help lol

Hi, can any one tell me the complete description of how to interface temperature sensor LM75 to 8051.?

how to write program to interface LM75 to 8051 please give me the circuit diagram for hardware also. Please give me algorithm and flow chart also. Please, if you have source code please give me.

If high taxes are bad for the economy, explain the 1950s?

Simple. In the 50s practically everything sold in the US was manufactured in the US. There were plenty of jobs for everyone. Stuff was exported all over the world which brought lots of income. Then some geniuses decided the US would be better of with a service economy and practically all manufacturing was sent out to places all over the world. Now our main industry is switching money from one pocket to the other, somehow magically making it grow and the only people making it big are Banks and investment brokers. Try finding such a high tech item as a toaster that says "Made in USA" on the bottom. As soon as an American inventor comes up with something new it is shipped to China for manufacture.

What is the balanced equation?

Consider the precipitation reaction that occurs with a solution when aluminum nitrate is added to a solution of potium phosphate. What's the balanced equation for this reaction?

Help finding a good guitar song?

I want a new song to learn on guitar. I have been playing for about a year, and have had an electric for about 3 months, so nothing crazy like Eruption but something cool...I love guns and roses and van halen so something similar to them maybe...any suggestions?

What do you think of this idea to lower gas prices?

The government would basically develop its own government ran oil company. They would drill for oil here in the US and/or off the coast. They would refine the oil to gasoline and then sell it for none profit to various gas stations or distributors at a lower cost. This would create competition and force the other companies to lower the cost of their gas and would also cut down of the shortage.

I need PEACH YARN plese?!?

I'm crocheting a Luigi plushie for a friend and none of the craft stores by me carry PEACH YARN THAT FITS LUIGI!!! If anyone could point me towards a link or something, I'd be very grateful =)

Is it Normal for a Boyfriend to be Content Without Infatuation?

It's been close to 7 years with my boyfriend and me. We are best friends. He says he "wants" me ually and I still find him attractive as well. However, I just don't feel that much "chemistry." Does that make sense? We have companionship. We have . But I need more "romance." Romance, to me, is not about or friendship. It's about fun, flirting, . My boyfriend says he doesn't really feel that way anymore but he's happy because he's comfortable. I know couples go through periods where they aren't particularly "in love" (infatuated), but is it normal to not necessarily WANT sparks and erflies? I told him that no romance, to me, is like no to him. I NEED romance in my relationship the same way a man might "need" . He says that he'd feel more infatuated if I wore more low cut tops, but to me that is more about , not infatuation. He says he still loves me and wants me sexually, but isn't necessarily "in love. Are long term couples really content with that?!

How could Noah possibly get two of every single species that existed in that era onto an ark he built himself?

How many different species is there around the world? Zillions, so... how could Noah get 2 of each and every male/female animal that existed on the planet in that era and fit them onto a boat that he built himself with only months for preparation. Given for all the insects there is, animals that live in different countries around the world like the north/south pole, polar bears penguins, austrailia - kangaroos, koala bears, the many different breeds of animals that exist, like how man breeds of dogs are there that exist now? Did noah travel over each and every centimeter of the earth to make sure he got two of every single breed of species and insect. How did he manage to build a boat which would probably have to be the size of a small country to facilitate all these creatures so that they could be fed, crap, p iss and sleep without these creatures trying to kill one another? How did he manage to stock pile enough food to feed these zillions of species? How could he create an enviroment where it would be clean and sterile so the animals/insects aren't at risk to disease? Did he get two of every human being around the world, asian, arab, white etc? Long story short, this would be impossible to do in this day in age with an army never mind back then when it was only one man. so why do creationists and christians take this story as fact when obviously it's too impossible tto be true?

I have hives while sick?

I've had basically the exact same thing happen to me a few years ago. I remember i was just fine too, i was working on a report for school and all of a sudden i couldn't move off of the couch cuz my head was pounding so hard everytime i would move. I also got hives, and so my mom took me to Urgent care because i never had them before and it ended up that i had laryngitis. I would have the haves every time that my fever was up. And that might be whats happening to you if they keep appearing and then going away. Because the same thing happened to me. I was completely better in about a week i think. So hang in there, it should stop soon.

Are midevile and feudal weapons trademarked?

im in th career path of game designer and i was wondering if sword and dagger spears the katana and blabla bla you get the Point i need to know if its patented or not

Is anyone watching Richard and Judy?

Does Richard seriously think he looks 'manly' with that stubble? he looksmore like a homeless tramp. with his money you would think he could afford a razor blade. i bet judy's always got stubble rash, hehe.

POLL: Rib or hip for my tattoo placement?

Hip is better if you're a girl. Ribs are very boyish and can look tacky. Get a temp first though of the design u want. I got a tattoo 5 years ago and I HATE it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like don't want it on me at all and can't afford to get it removed also I'm scared lol but its your body. Just get something original that is timeless. I didn't look at the pic sorry.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Xbox 360 gaming headset?

I am looking to buy a gaming headset. I have heard good things about Astro, Tritton, and Turtle Beach. Can someone help by recommending one specific model? Also, please say why you like that headset over any of the others.

How to pay for a second degree?

I have use up all my fanancial aid, I need a second degree to advance in the career world. My credit is bad, I don't have a co-signer where do I turn?

What is wrong with my computer?

It is like a segmentation fault, the application you are using might be using wrong places on RAM, try closing other applications while running, or perhaps the the requirements don't meet.

Which do you prefer...?

I like Veronica Marni Barnes better because I like Veronica better as a first name. But I Think Marni Veronica Barnes sounds better together.

Fans of zombie movies?

any fans of zombie movies out there, i have been told the italians made some of the goriest zombie movies, is that true. what would you say is the best zombie movie

Can overcast weather cause stress?

Dude, slow down the thought machinery. The human body doesn't have to behave exactly the same even day and time. So, things have been a little different right now. Your fine just be patient and enjoy life. We make and take this performance thing way to serious.

WWE Great American Bash 2008 (PREDICTIONS)?

Wow, you should be a storyline writer for the WWE... I like how you made the Undertaker make a suprise return, and I also like how you turned CM Punk into a heel. I think your match card would fit right in to the PPV!

'Unique' names?

It seems like unique is what parents are going for these days. What bugs me is that people use the word as a synonym for uncommon which is incorrect. Unique means 'one of a kind' or 'a singular example'. So basically comments like 'That's very unique', 'I don't like too unique', 'This way it would be more unique' are also incorrect. Something either is unique or it isn't. Basically 99 out of a 100 less common names out there aren't unique in the actual meaning of the word. So, for a challenge, can anyone present me with any actually unique names?

Upgrading ram?

go to http://crucial.com/ and go to there advisor tool and they'll give you the RAM that is right for your computer.

Trade Randy Moss and T. Hightower for Reggie Wayne?

I would trade Moss here.....Wayne is looking great because peyton is looking great! no worries here. Hightower also has Beenie wells to steal carries and TD's. Moss is by far the best WR in the league but brady and the pats aren't playing their ball right now... Good luck!

Help! I what to know what I can do about server menopause symptoms?

I started Permpro today. I am scared of the meds. But I have been so nerves and many other thing I decided to try it. Anyone have any good things to say about HRT.

Do you think "typical white American" needs no federal gas tax party?

I don't know about anyone else, but I'd save $52 a month. I would certainly rather keep $156 then be forced to spend it. The McCain plan is better then no plan.

Snake turned to crocodile?

a snake was going away, it took a u turn while i called out to show it to dad.it turned into a crocodile as it came near.it was trying to eat me, but was afraid of dad.i was relieved that it was trying to eat me.i thought " finally! everything will be over in another 2 minutes if i keep quiet". dad did not allow it to eat me. and the crocodile stayed under my bed. weird dream! but what does the whole thing mean?

What do you believe the world owes you?

The world owes you nothing. It is a parent's responsibility to take care of a child. If they do that job well, the child then owes the parents. But the world does not owe one anything. It rather provides opportunities for people to make of their life what they wish.

What is the scent a woman produces to seduce a man?

pheremones (sp?) and yes it is normal. That's what attracts us to the opposite or same is some cases.

Who should I start tonight in fantasy baseball?

i would recomment crawford and hamilton, one, vic is kinda cold right now, cameron is complete junk, young is a ticking time bomb, so beware of that (he once threw his bat at an ump in the minor leagues at a bad strike three call) crawford is good speed and hamilton is power plus rbis, good luck

How to make pin-straight the slighlty wavy (@ d ends) and somewhat thick hair?

pin half ur hair up, do small sections at a time, and do it kinda slow, go over the hair 2 or 3 times, but make sure ur flat iron isnt set to the hottest setting (if it has settings) then let the top half down and do the same thing. then when ur done use some kind of hair polish, or anti frizz gel.

Need help with The Sims 3?

Well if you are using this on any product of apple, it won't work. I know it says it works for MAC and PC. But it only works on the PC. They MAC has too many problems with the sims 3 game. I hope this helps.

Christmas countdown!?

my little borther and i have a christmas tradition where each year i help him make an advent calendar to count the days until christmas. I am very stuck this year. I have done everything from a cottonball beard for santa to a paper link chain to building a gingerbread man etc. I have done it all, and this year, I need a new idea that is not too complicated but also really neat and original. I wanted to incorporate the true meaning of christmas in it, giving, not recieving, so i was thinking maybe having a chocolate for each day, and someones name on the back, so that instead of him eating the chocolate, he gives it away to someone else. any other ideas?

Hockey Skates Sharpening Burnt Blade?

I sharpened my skates at an ice rink that i usually don't go to for sharpening. After the guy sharpened my skates, i noticed there were lines running from edges to edges which was not suppose to happen. There was also a burnt spot on the back of one of the blade. The next day i got it resharpened at the pro store i usually go to and the guy said my skates were poorly sharpened and there were a lot of mistakes on it. After i got it resharpened, the burnt spot was gone and everything was good. On the internet i read that the burnt spot on your blade will make your blade lose an edge REALLY fast. I am wondering if it will actually make you loose the edge really that fast? and should i worry about it since it was on the back of my blade ?

Who is your favourite character in CHRONICLES OF NARNIA-PRINCE CASPIAN and why?

I love the mouse! He's hysterical! Kind of reminds me of Puss in Boots from Shrek :) Love this character! :)

Computers freezing question?

Well what are you doing that causes the freezes? If it freezes from the startup than there is probably something internally wrong with the comp. Need more info.

Questioning serious boyfriend...?

I stated dating my boyfriend when I was still a senior in high school (18), and he was 21. I must have been too young or unexperienced with finances to see the signs that my boyfriend was struggling with money, but don't most college students struggle with money? We've been dating for a year now, and I am a sopre in college because of AP transfer credits. I am projected to graduate in spring 2013 ( a year ahead). My boyfriend, on the other hand, has been in school since Fall 2007, and he will not graduate with his Bacholors until 2014 being a full-time student for 7 years to become a secondary math education teacher. He is pretty much completely on his own when it comes to money. He works at a gas station and is constantly struggling to make ends meet, and his parents will occasionally bail him out of a negative account balance... It concerns me that he is having so much difficulty not only finishing school but having serious financial problems. I must have overseen these things before, but now that we are much more serious and talking about a future together, I am weary it will be a long time before he will be able to be financially stable again. I love him and spending time with him, and I know he is a hard worker, but I feel like he is not giving his full effort into his education because even though he has student loans, he has still gave up in cles and recieved F's before. I've talked to him about this, and he says the only reason he really went to college was to get a stable job and because his parents wanted him to. I know he loves automotive, but every time I suggest that would be a fun job or say wouldn't you like doing that?, he gets upset and tells me not to start talking about it. Maybe he's just a normal college student, but it just seems like he's really missing a pion or even a care for his current education path of secondary math education... Can anyone relate or decode what is going on or what should be done?

What unique traits does each zodiac sign have?

** jump on it wtf with saying pisces is probably the most useless sign of the zodiac.. that's stupid right there. we can be your your best supporting friends or worst enemies if you guys **** with us. don't underestimate our intuition and we have what it takes to attain our dreams.

How many calories are there in a small bag of Hershey's cookies 'n creme Bites?

I always eat a small bag (43 g) of Cookies 'n Creme Bites. So, I was wondering, how much calories are they worth?

Anyone else waiting for AF either today or tomorrow?

I am 13 DPO and got a BFN this morning so i am thinking i am probably out for this month so i guess it is just waiting for AF to either show up or not. . . anyone in the same boat? those who have gotten BFP's how long did it take to show up? with my daughter i tested DPO 13 and got a positive right away. . . so i really dont know anymore. i had a strong feeling i was pregnant but now i am trying to get my self ready for the dreaded AF...

Is the ATI Radeon 4330 good. and what is beast the ATI Radeon 4330 or the Intel GMA 4500MHD - 64 MB. thanks?

i am thinking of getting a acer time line Time line 5810TZ Laptop - LX.PK702.004 on the acer direct.co.uk web sight if you could tell me what Graphics i better that would help and any other laptops that you think will be good to get for �500-�600. thanks

Is he gonna ask me to be his valentine?

if you two are close then yes he is asking you. depending how he said it he could be serious. good luck and happy Valentines day

How does the amount of energy released by an alcohol in a combustion reaction relate to its structure?

Suppose the alcohols were methanol.ethanol, propanol, butanol, and pentanol. Which would release the higher energy to the solution(water) and how would it relate to its structure?

The AFL can change the rules all they like but you just cant help bad luck in a game can you?

certainly there is a huge degree of luck in the game, in pretty much all aspects of it (even the ball can act randomly!). im loving it, a string of luck is all that separates top and bottom 8 (well 9 in one part... that's gunna take time to get used to, then they will change it to 18 for the lolz next year). it means that there can be no complacency from the top teams they can lose each and every week,

Looking for Geoffrey Lake born in Abram, nr Wigan, son of the late Victor Lake?

Mr Victor Lake was a former miner from Sierra Leone settled in Wigan or near Wigan area in the 1950/60s. Like to trace Geoffrey about a small legacy willed to him in Sierra Leone. My name is Mr Paul Auber of Leeds, UK. I can be reached, e-mail: paulmauber@gmail.com

Honestly, would you rather:?

The first one and it took me way too many years and relationships to figure that compatability is really awesome. Great question.

Why does my boyfriend alway leaves me lonely?

Get your own life, make new friends and get out of the house. Quit whining and get off your duff and do something like find a new BF that will give you your so desired attention that you require.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

What should i eat throught my day?

i think you are eating relativly healthy. small snacks in between meals helps keep your metabolism going which is a good thing because you are burning energy. I would try eating a little more during lunch though like some veggies and a sandwich or something. the key is having a balanced diet of foods from the food group. eat like a variety of things but in small portions.

Does anyone have the Jennifer Lopez episode of Saturday Night Live (Season 35 episode 15)?

...particularly the sketch where the band Smashmouth comes out of the closet? I am an aspiring comedy writer and I wrote that sketch and submitted it to Seth Meyers at SNL and heard nothing back, yet on February 27th, 2010 they aired my work! I tried contacting many people at SNL and they gave me the runaround. If anyone has that video please, please let me know. Thank you.

What if my daughter is lying......?

Be honest and upfront. As your family they should understand that you have to take your daughter seriously. All you can do is trust your daughter. My sister lied about my dad molesting her, a huge investigation took place and he was cleared. But years later when I really was molested by dad my mom chose not to believe me. I can not even begin to explain the amount of pain I felt when no one would help me. You have to take your daughters word for now, kids do lie but they also occasionally tell the truth. You could eventually forgive your daughter for lying a lot easier than she would forgive you for not protecting her.

Is it a problem when the RPM on my 03 Toy Corolla LE starts up in highs 2000 and I have to wait until it drops

Everytime I start my car the RPM goes up in the highs 2000 and I have to wait abt 3-5 minutes to lower to drive bec my car will make weird cackling noices....HELP

I read that there are more stars in the Universe, than all the sand granules of the Beach. Is this true? How?

I want technical replies. Even a fistful of sand will have atleast 100000 visible particles, excluding dust. If that is so, how can we have more stars than sand. I want astro-physics students to reply with proof. First do we have any count of the number of sand granules we have ? If not how did some scientist come out with this fact? Mathmatical answers with calculable proof would be great.

What wrong with my Grandma? Please help, I'm worried!?

Ok, my Grandma is 72 years old. She has been taking a lot of pain medication for the past month or so because she had back surgery. She recently (Saturday) was diagnosed with a UTI. She is now taking an antibiotic and several pain killers (Darvaset, Tylenol 4). She has been taking the antibiotic for 4 days. Today, she started talking crazy, almost like she was dreaming and awake. She is in the hospitol now. She was trying to eat her blankets saying it is chicken. Also, she was thinking that she was a bear. Also, my mom asked her "Do you even know where you are?" and she replie "What are you talking about, you can't afford a maid!". I'm serious, I'm not joking. She usually doesn't have probelms wtih the painkillers. I'm thinking it was a reaction between the painkillers and the antibiotic. They gave her a sedative in the hosp and it made it worse. You cant talk to her. If you say something to her, she will sort of look through you but not at you. It's almost lik eshe having dreams but awake. Do you guys have any idea? This came out of no where, she has never acted like this before (sxcept one time she was on morphine- shes' allergic to it), and she has no other problems- no tumor in bran, no blood problems, no stroke or aything. What the heck is happening to her? Please help, Thanks.

Have you heard of people eating paper?

My niece has been chewing and digesting pieces of paper for the past few months. She is an adult and says it is a new compulsion and that she physically craves chewing on paper. I have never heard of this. Is it a known condition or could it be evidence of some type of dietary defincey? Anyone have any useful info?

Would a point-cut corned beef be ok cooked all day in a crock pot?

They can be pretty nasty looking in the package but that kind of meat usually has the better flavor. Or is it better just to buy a flat cut?

Does Santa Claus symbolize "paganism" (atheism)?

Santa Claus in my opinion takes away from the true meaning of Christmas. Its not about receiving gifts, but Christmas should be about celebrating Jesus.

I have this horrible fantasy..im so ashamed?

im a girl and im a teen. I have this disguisting Fantasy about . I dont know why but it really turns me on..BUT its not my own family members who i think about..i think about some random people who are family members having . Not people i know but like stars or somthing and just pretend their related. I'd never ever do this kind of thing with my own family...ewww.I Love my family alot but not in that way...yuck. AND NO IM NOT FROM THE SOUTH. But i feel really gross about it sometimes. Im really ashamed... whats wrong with me? is this bad??.

Who thinks the Batista/Cena fued will involve none of them with the belt?

I think its a too high profile of a match to have the belt be on one of them while they fued. They will probably keep it on punk and have him fued with Kane or JBL.

Help with my best friend please. (10 points!)?

You need to talk to her. I hope your not plotting to break them up, however if she is your friend tell her what's on your mind. Your great friend to seek answers to better your relationship with her, i wish there were more people like you. I hope your relationship improve.

My Girlfriend has a crush on another guy... What should i do.?

we are in a long distance relation ship, which is hard all on its own... but now i find out she has a crush on someone she meet through me. I found out because she filled out a dumb survey on myspace and on of the quetions was "do you have a crush." i asked her if she just meant me and she said yes... but later that night she IMs me on aim and said she lied. Now she ended up talking to the guy and she told him but said she "loves me and never would leave me"... so the guy tells her he likes her too. I just dont know what to do...

Should religion really be destroyed?

I'm an atheist but I think that religion, or more specifically faith, should not be destroyed. I understand that the belief in god comforts many in an imperfect world and that some people really need the delusion to get along in there day-to-day lives. I just feel like religion should just reduced to the point where everyone regardless of , race, ual orientation, etc. is accepted and that religious authorities don't try to change people or impose things. I think what I'm saying is that the answer to so many religious problems is just to liberalize religion and not completely destroy it. What do you think?

Guys...do you think a man with promiscuous past will stay faithful after he is married?

Would he be able to stay with one woman, if he never had a real relationship and always had multiple girlfriends? This man is my husband and he says he just got tired of that life and and wanted to settle down and have a home and family. Now he enjoys married life and he has no desire to go back to that life style. I always wonder if someone with his background would really change and become a loyal family man. Or, is this what he tells me to put my mind as ease, but secretly he is still the same.

What is ocean continental subduction?

if lava appered as a dome on an island, and eruptions followed for a few years, that covered much of the island in ash. I need to know what is occuring to cause this volcanism, what features are found there, the plates that are causing this, what type of plates are they, what type of rock in on both plates, what is the process causing this plate movement and the reason for one plate to subduct. this is for an essay question for a test i am going to take in sience tomarow if you have any ideas or places i can look tell me. i have an idea it is ocean continental subduction.

Friday, November 11, 2011

At night I hide under my couch?

I cant sleep in my bed since the aliens came. I figure if i am under the couch they will not find me. But my back is starting to hurt a lot and I am not getting any sleep. Is there any other places I can sleep that is safe. i don't want them to a-nal probe me again!!!! BUT I NEED MY SLEEP!! Help!!

Will I p or fail my grade?

I'm going to school at an online school which has public school standards. Anyway, I can't understand the math and I'm steadily failing at it. I'm doing good in everything else but I think I'll probably fail math and I was wondering if I'll be held back or will I go to the next grade, but have to retake math. I'm in 11'th grade.

If you could make a 1 superstar trade between all WWE shows who would be in it + YWWA Broken Bonds Results 1?

I would trade John Cena for Undertaker, so Undertaker could feud with the legacy much like he did with La Familia. Then it could lead up to Legacy vs. Taker at WM26. And Then John Cena could Wrestle Cm Punk and Jericho for the WHC.

Ok, so possibly ready to get help, now what?

these past 2 years have been hell. up and down, euphoria, anger, panic attacks, desperation, despair, cutting, and recently i stopped eating and purge like every other day.. and then one day i read about bpd and it describes me completely. i felt alright for a couple days but yesterday had an angry outburst i couldn't stop for about 2 hours then i felt guilty and sad. sometimes im extremely withdrawn others crazy to have fun fool around... but i dont have many friends anymore 2 or 3 at most. so i spend most of my time cycling or running when im not too down and have energy to do stuff. everything has been getting worse as time goes by. i think about ending it so much. but i'm scared to find someone because when i feel good i dont need anyone or think i dont. I heard it's so hard to find someone good to treat bpd and that it can take a lot of time to get to the right diagnosis and treat it correctly. I don't want to end up making my life even worse. How do i go about finding someone?

I thought that affirmative action is over. Why is there quota system in the US Coast Guard?

If you actually read the article that you link to you would see that obviously affirmative action is not an issue in the Coast Guard. Is it that you don't want to see any African -Americans in the Coast Guard? Affirmative action is not the double standard that is inherently evil, racial discrimination is.

Knifty Knitter or knitting needles?

I have a small amount of crochet and knitting experience. I would like to make my daughter a hat, scarf, and mitten set. Should I just try to concentrate on knitting or crocheting them...or should I try knitting looms? I don't know if the looms are worth trying or if I'd feel better if I stuck with what I already know. I don't want to have to spend a lot of money on new tools and book for instructions.

I had a dream about a Crocodile.?

This dream usually happens after a woman has had a miscarriage or an abortion. The crocodile is an ogy for death. The children symbolize the dead baby. If you were not recently pregnant this would indeed be a peculiar dream. Perhaps one of your friends is about to have an abortion. That would explain your inability to change the outcome along with the mystery of who the friends in the room may be. It is good that you don't want the baby to die... that is good. You need to find a way to keep that baby from dieing... I would start by finding out who those friends might be. Then you want to see if you can keep them from killing their baby. Good luck! :)

How long do football(soccer) cleats last?

I bought my Adidas Predators last summer and have been using them often. They still are amazing but I have noticed like the top hole where the lace goes through, the stitch has come out and the hole is separated from the side of the shoe. Also the front of the cleats are becoming separated. Where the leather meets the plastic of the bottom. They haven't separated any more but there is a space so gr will get caught in it. Just out of curiousity, how long do cleats last? There was a time where I was using them every day for a month straight for 2hrs a day. Now I just use them on Fridays afternoons for 3 hours.

Help ; can i be pregnant ?

There is always the possibility that you may be pregnant if the semen got on your l area. Three days late for your menstrual period however is not really that late. I would take an over the counter pregnancy test by the end of the week to confirm whether you are or not. Hope this helps.

What does it mean when a friend says: it's ok if you wanted too add her.?

he probably likes her but didnt want to say it to you. he might be jeolous that you will steal her away from him. dont be a , theres 6.5 billion ppl in the world, go find another girl, let him have her

Hillary is like Martha Stewart?

I am a Democrat but I just can't get myself to see Hillary as president. I like her policies, and I really shouldn't have a problem with her. But her image just bugs me. She seems like a bitchy Martha stewart who will throw a fit if she doesn't get what she wants. Also when I look at her I think of a mean elementary school principal. Like those older women you meet who are just mean and you can't think of a good reason for it, and make their husbands their bitches. and sometimes I think she will have a hotflash and start a nuclear war unintentionally. i dont know. Has anyone else had these thoughts? Give me your feed back, I know My thought process makes no sense, and its me relating her image to stuff in my past, but does anyone else have these thoughts?

Question from a writer about gravity and asteroids.?

Im no scientist.. but i imagen that because of the jets maybe the ship has more "power"? therefore it can winch up the 1 ton object.. since its constantly holding itself in place..?

Should i ask her out!?

ok this girl in my HS is in my Homeroom, History, Religion, and biology and she is my biology partner. I really like her but i dont know if she likes me back. I asked her to homecoming but she said that she already has a date. is it possible that is in a relationship with this guy. Please tell me so i can make my move

Prove that f is continuous at Xo, iff......?

Let f be a real-valued function with dom(f) R, prove that f is continuous at Xo iff, for every monotonic sequence (Xn) in dom(f) converging to Xo, we have limf(X)=f(Xo). (Hint: Theorem: Every sequence (Sn) has a monotonic subsequence.)

I have very layered hair, and don't know what to do...?

Style it as much as possible..and let it grow out. It's worth the wait to have long, beautiful hair. Do not cut it, just work with it as much as you can for now.

Mental calculation?

ahmmmm....my frnd jst kep on stdying or spnd ur free time on studying and researching things that u wnt 2 know!!!!!!

I know i asked this b4, but this is the rephrased one..?

are there Hollister or abercrombie and fitch stores in malaysia, and if there are, is it known as an expensive brand? and how popular?

Ode to a Stupid Baby POEM, do you agree?

All those American soldiers gunned down on the Normandy beaches to defeat the ideologies of the Nazis. All cast aside and forgotten by a bunch of kids who have never had to fight for anything. Shame on the reporters for wasting the sacrifice of your forefathers. You have become what they fought against.

In Hogan Hero's- Wasn't Col. Klink pretty nice as a POW camp commandant?

Do you think Col. Hogan should have spoke up for Klink after the war,since Klink never tortured , nor starved his prisoners?

What Nationality is TSN's Pierre McGuire?

Ok so I see he was born in New Jersey, yet when you see this guy on TSN he can't spot talking abouting Team Canada and almost implies he's French Canadian. What the hell is he? A duel citizen? Canadian? American? Either way I hate his guts but i'm still curious.

Please give a brief description of what happened on september 11th, 2001. or should I say, 9/11?

I know about highjackers stealing planes and crashing them into the world trade center, therefore killing many people in the centers and in the pentagon, but apparently there were 4 planes that were used, and were to crash somewhere else... please tell me a brief description..

Free printable birtday invitations?

looking for free printable birthday invitations ... not cheapo quality like dltk-kids etc. but nicer ones that i could just print from my computer. i know i asked this question before, but i now can't find the question!

Do you absolutely NEED an agent to get parts in movies and tv shows, such as The Chronicles of Narnia?

Please just give me an honest answer. My parents don't want me to have an agent. :( I'm a teen, and I've done alot of research, but I would love to hear your point of views. Thanks!

I want to save money what can i do?

i want to save money for my young sister she will be doing MATRIC next year ,so iwant to make sure that she is going to uuniversity by 2009 what can i do?

Isn't it rude that some christians go about the streets condemning gays?

I have no objection to their views. However, they aren't having the effect that they think they are. At any rate, I support the right of a to get married. It's not like it's sanctified by God or anything.

How is my 100 greatest rappers list list?

WHOA... some of those are WACK but others are good. Lupe= #1 def. but nice list, you went WAYY back.

Whats your favorite hip hop artist and groups in the 80's and 90's?

groups like grandmaster melle mel, wu tang clan, big daddy kane, and a whole Iot of others. you can write down a Big List if you want.

What can destroy the ozone layer?

people like al gore dont become like him. the earth regularly warms up and cools down. people are freaks to get worried about something that stupid

Help on Aztecs and Mayans?

Can someone help me compare and contrast the Aztec and Mayan Civilizations socially, politically, and economically?

RAT OWNERS easy points!?

Okay so im looking for some easy healthy treats and chew treats that you can make. Such as i cut out cardboard hearts and rub a freshly cut strawberry over it to taint the flavoring. Right now I have lays potato chips and spinach and cheese puffs and cherrys and pretzels anything else?

Sweet Sixteen Party...?

My sweet 16 is coming up in March, and I'm looking to plan a party. I have a couple themes in mind, but the one that seems to stand out the most is a chocolate party. I was thinking there could be a chocolate fountain, a chocolate dessert bar (with things like brownies, chocolate cupcakes, candy, etc), a big chocolate cake, and brown decorations (with big cut out candies and maybe some pink accents). For games I was thinking a brownie eating contest or something of the sort, but I need some more ideas in that area. I know I'll wear a brown dress, and I could suggest that everybody wears brown too. The invitations are going to be attached to Hershey's bars. It's already confirmed that I can use my church's fellowship hall, which is quite large. So my question to you is if you have any additional ideas. I especially need game ideas, but anything is welcomed. Thanks so much!

How's my fanasty team?

good team, i would rate it 7, especially condsidering 12 teams in your league with the 11th pick (for the situation, team is rated 9), good pitching, i also have liriano but people are telling me he is out for season, im holding on to him for now and will see how it goes, good luck

What do you think of the name skittles for a daschund ?

That's a cute name. Not very common either. Get your new puppy a really colorful collar to go along with the name.

My mom wont buy me new clothes?

Not knowing your mother's financial situation, I can't really give a complete answer. However, you may want to consider babysitting or looking for other odd jobs in the neighborhood, like cleaning or yard work. And, if they are available, you may want to supplement your wardrobe by shopping at cosignment or second-hand shops. Of course, you will want to buy your shoes and undies new. But, first, you should discuss this all with your mother first. Good luck and hang in there.

I REALLY need a birthday present for a 16 year old guy. PLEEEEAAAAASE HELP!! :)?

Take him out for amusement park and pet (dog) house. Gift a hot red personalized t-shirt on his birthday.

Does anyone know...?

Does anyone know of a place online were i can go to take free dance lessons to R&B music... Like cie music, beyonce, chrisbrown, paula deanda, ect...

Rate my pokemon emerald battle frontier team?

Arcanine and Tyranitar are good except replace Aerial Ace with a stat-reducing skill like Curse or something. I would replace Venasaur either with Alakazam or a Normal type like Tauros.

Is this top from Abercrombie & Fitch OR Hollister?

Probably Hollister, because the shirt looks too beachy to be Abercrombie, theyre more city-ish. Haha

What do you think of the GOPs leaked strategy to slander democrats and make them look like socialist?

i've been saying this for years. See it would be one thing if the GOP didn't lie about using fear to control the public.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hard rock/heavy Christian bands?

I'm tryin to get into some more Christian music, but I have NO idea where to start... I like KoRn, Spineshank, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Slipknot, that kind of thing.. But i'm trying to move away from all (or most) of that. Does anyone have any suggestions on some bands I could check out? Thanks!

What NFL player will break out into a pro bowler in 2010?

Miles Austin, Desean Jackson, and Jamal Charles all had great seasons after being considered projects, busts, or just backups. My prediction is Devin Thomas of the Washington Redskins will be this years breakout star. Also on my list is Chad Henne of Miami, Kevin Kolb of Philadelphia, and Louis Murphy of Oakland. So who do you think it will be

:Misfits Question: What did Kelly and Alicia do for probation?

Kelly got in a fight with the chick who went bald and caused Kelly to go bald (prior to all the baldness). I'm not sure what they fought over but apparently it was a pretty fight for her to have been given community service for it. Alicia was drunk driving. She explains it in episode one, when she gives that bottle a ******** lol. She drove some friends to a party after they had been at a club or something. She didn't even want to go to the party and she makes that known a few times.

Why do so many people like Ghostface Killah?

He's a dope MC. He has the strongest solo Wu Tang discography. Come on and how couldn't you not like a rapper with such a dope voice.


When she runs her hands down your body, cups your , and asks if she can sit on your face.. there's a pretty good chance she wants you.

Spanish Subjunctive tenses?

The imperfect is a verb tense, but the subjunctive and the conditional are moods of the verb, not tenses. It is like comparing apples and oranges.

Why does everyone think Rev.Hagee is McCain's pastor?

I'm sorry libs but he ISN'T.McCain yelled at the evangelicals back in 2000 but the George Bush machine and them ate him alive.Rev.Wright however WAS Obama's pastor.

Why are clearly offensive people allowed to post on Yahoo Answers?

This should be a place of intellect where people share their experiences. Too often, I see racism, ism, phobic, etc. statements on here laced with profanity. I could name names if Yahoo asked but it is readily apparent to anyone who reads these things... Is anyone monitoring this environment? This should not be a place that promotes ignorance. It should be a place of expression that brings people together. Do you agree? Am I the only one who notices that certain parties on here are apparently not being blocked? Why is there not profanity filters on this website?

Why are gay people the only people in christianity willing to promote the sacrament of marriage ?

Seems to me very few heteroual couples are bothered with marriage and only the gay couples see it as a majorly important part of a relationship. Is marriage being undermined by apathy from heterouals rather than gays trying to gain acceptance ( And I'm not gay or closet gay or particularly phobic)

Can I become a foreign language teacher? This is my story. (Or will be my story - I'm only 15)?

You didn't really need to write all that down. To be a foreign language teacher in the US you need a BA degree in the language and a teaching credential in which you specialized in language teaching. The GED-community college-finish at a 4 year college is a perfectly acceptable route. There are also some 4 year colleges that will admit you on the basis of a GED. Your overseas experience will help you with your language skills and will look interesting on your resume.

Boyfriend's Jealous Best Friend?

I think you should stop hanging so close in with your guy friends. It seems okay with you, but he might feel like you may end up with one of your guy friends. You need to show your boyfriend that he's #1.

Is there anything I can do to make Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 operate faster on my imac?

My imac is the standard white one, I don't know what it's called. I have leopard installed and this game is unplayable. I had the first and second for PC and the speed was MUCH better. It wasn't even a high-quality pc. I've already turned all the graphics settings down and it's still horrible. I just bought it yesterday and i'm already thinking abut getting my money back. The apple store also charges $50 for it when its real value is only like $20.

Should the burka/niqab be banned in the UK?

I would totally agree on a ban in public places and in the work place but allow a full headscarf showing the face. They are after all not living in a Muslim country and compromises all round should be made if we are to try and live side by side. Should a western women go to live in their country they would be FORCED to cover up there would be no question about our rights or beliefs it would be and is manadtory in certain parts, I therefore rest my case.

10 FULL POINTS: Singers like Gwen Stefani and Michael Jackson??!!?

Okay well I'm doing this contest but I don't want to do any stars like Gwen Stefani and Michael Jackson because those are taken, I want to do a singer similar to them. Please help. 10 points (:

What fraction of the total number of eggs was used to bake biscuits?.?

Y took out 3/5 of eggs to bake some biscuits and egg tarts. Y used 2/3 of eggs taken out to bake biscuits.

Why would a church leader say this to me? It really upset me!?

Im 23 and I go to church on sundays. I used to go to church more often (On thursday and fridays) but since I am very busy with school and other studies I am only able to attend church on sundays. So today after church I come up to a friend (same age as me) that i used to hang out a lot (he's married now so i don't see him often) and just wanted to say hello and tell him "God bless you" He currently more involved in church than me. So i shake his hand and say hello and he just holds it and tells me "hmmmm...Why do i not see you at church on thursdays and fridays, you keep saying that you want to grow spiritually but I don't see that!" And i got so upset that he would have the nerve to say that to me. I told him "just because i don't go church more doesnt mean im not growing spiritually" plus nowhere in the bible it says that your christianity is measured by how many times a week you go to church. This is not the first time he has said this to me. It makes me feel like he thinks im completely unchristian!

In 'Breaking Dawn' does Edward know that Bella is listening to his and Jacobs conversation in the tent?

I'm not sure because he was humming her lullaby and she finally went to sleep- did he know that she was awake?

Generally how long do you have to play at the Atlantic City casinos before you can get Complimentary rooms?

I only play poker too...the main thing is make sure you get your card swiped as soon as you enter the poker room...the only casino so far that has given me comp rooms is to Hilton (I've used them twice)...and I play mostly tournaments and some cash games...I know you don't get as much points for tournaments but I guess it added up some how :)


The 2nd pic and 4rth are both easy to pull off and HOT HOT HOT! I hate hhim tooo but he DOes have great hair. Anyhoo def try to look at the 4th pic more!

Where can I buy Lobster Claw Oven Mitts in Canada?

Im looking for them for a gift for christmas, and I know I can buy them on eBay, but I kind of wanted to go into a store. Either online or in-store is okay though, please help! :)

Sore for a week,which is unusual!?

good morning!, im am 24 with two young boys, after having two children my bust has disappeared from a B to a small A. I never get any changes there in my cycle,never! I am due on my period in 3days and for the past week my have been tender to touch,at first it was just with my bra on but now it is without too and my today have been prickling (to mums,that feeling when feeding and the milk is there b4 u feed) i took a test 3days ago,a cheap pound shop 25mui. Could i be pregnant and it was to early as it was neg. We bd'd a couple of days b4 ovulation which today was about 13days ago but about 10-11dpo. Would i get a positive today if i am? X

When did the off-shoot protestant sekts decide that catholicism cease to be christian?

Catholicism exist since 313 a.C. It's the most ancient christian denomination in existence. But it's not about age. If who is right is who is the oldest, so bye jews, buy christians. Induism is right. You have to obey the gospel of Christ and man, catholicism NEVER did it. Just read the bible and compare it with catholicism history.

How to get a 3.5 by the time i graduate?

so i am a freshman in high school and this year i missed a lot of school because i was sick (mono, strep twice, and swine) because of that my grades havent been great and i have a 3.0 gpa right now. what grades should i get for my next three years to graduate with a 3.5 gpa or better?

When are zombies going to invade planet earth?

Well, i am very excited for the day that zombies invade the earth. Because me and anthony (My cousin) Have it all planned out to go to lebanon and get our grandfather (the terminator of lebanon) and shoot down the zombies in our garage full of weapons. We are going to get there by hi jacking a very fast car e.g. ferrari or something that doesn't use a lot of fuel and get to the middle east, mostly because weapons are available and we can shoot the zombies and bishnu there. We will save alot of canned beans for the way there, and we will call in advance before the invasion so me and ANTHONAY get to shoot some zombies. And plus side evreybody has hunting rifles and plenty off ammunition in lebanon, so we can shoot the of the zombies. and scream SHOU HAYDA!!

If a magic genie offered to change one thing about the world,what would you choose?But there's a twist!!!!

By changing something in this world for the better,the genie must take away one thing close and dear to you.What would you change and what would you give up?

Im 14 years old and i want to become a pro skater is it too late?

not going to be easy dude. first get focused on sponsorship, then make it onto a team, then try to make a pro team, once your on a pro team, not really am but more on the pro one, your a pro.

Inviting People to Join Our Group?

Make up your own invitation explaining what your group is all about with the URL of your group pasted in the message and send it via your own email.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is it possible she could change? Should I contact her? Please, help!?

I think you're opening up a big can of worms if you try to contact her again. People like that don't change, and even with medications she's still the same person inside. You want someone who's only good for you when she's numbed with meds? Find a girl you really connect with, who doesn't have a history of breaking your heart.

Have you ever had someone involved being interested in you? and what did you do about it?

hello all....i am asking this bec as of late i seem to be sparking the interest of women who are involved. most recently, i had ran into a female that i used to knows sister. we had talked very briefly in the past. after getting her number(she seemed eager to give it to me) i started talking to her and she is w/ someone. i decided to text her on a few occasions but she always seemed to be distant. today however she texted me on her own for the first time. we also texted for several hrs today, which has not happened before. she told me that i am sweet and that she wants to hang out with me yet i cant get her to hang out it seems. sorry about the long story, your personal thoughts(especially ladys) and where u would go with things from here.

What would u do if d person hu broke ur heart is the only 1 hu can fix it?

Trust me, honey, the one who broke your heart is not the only one who can fix it. You are the only one who can fix it. I have been engaged and had my heart torn to shreds, but overtime I have healed and moved on. Time really does heal all wounds and I promise you that if you keep trying and just take it slow you will heal and you won't need that person to fix your heart.

How old do you have to be in missouri to divorce your parents?

my parents are sapposed to be getting a divorce and there screw ups they dont want any thing to do with me i pretty much live with gma or aunt and i want a freakin divorce from my parents!

Negative gauge pressure?

Gauge pressure is the pressure reading that you get when you look at the gauge. Absolute pressure would be the gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure. If your form requires that you fill in the operating pressure in bar g, then just write down what you see on the gauge, don't add or subtract anything.

Being it's lent,do you think this is a good dinner...?

I thought for an appetizer...I'd start off with some bearded clam...then for my main course I'd have a plate of oyster melt with lots of sweet momma's sauce...and then for dessert, I would feast on some punaynay pie...sounds like a healthy meal...dontcha think???

Idont noe wat to do! plz help!?

you have to talk to her and get her side of the story. maybe she felt closed off from other friends cuz you were spending soo much time with her.

Gender ambiguity of a name?

Unless you go with a name like Adam, Micheal, James, Thomas, William, Isaac, Cole......and so on you run into that risk. I have a niece named Aidyn, which is typically a boys name. My kids, even though i thought they were boys names, are uni. Devon, Logan, and Hayden. I think the -aden names are going to become uni due to the popularity they've had for males. Aidan, Hayden, and Jayden have already made the cross, so it's only a matter of time before Caden does. If you really like the name, I wouldn't worry about it. You can call him Cade, which is masculine. Just give him a strong male middle name just in case. my boys' middle names are Henry, James and Richard, that way they have a traditional male name to fall back on--should any of there names make that leap, and not return. I'm hoping my son Hayden is far enough ahead of the girl Hayden's it won't be an issue, he's two. As for Caden, it sounds masculine to me, but I haven't done so hot at it so far...., Whatever you decide Good Luck!!!

I want to share what happened today?

today in my math cl. a person who sits behind me say my cross necklace today and he said whats up with the cross, and i said i believe im God, and he said are you one of those Jesus freaks. and i said yes. and he said that sucks, and i said no it doesn't. so is God and Jesus proud that i did that? I fell like I did the right thing. (i posted this up already but i made a typo). sorry.

What do you think of these short poems?

Wow!I can completley understand this feeling........Sometimes I do this so often, it's like word vomit, I can't stop......especially when I get bored........so no, it's not selfish, if anything it's better to get it out this way than on other people! You shoule be proud of yourself, they are beautiful and unique!!!!

Whats south parks problem with Mel Gibson?

It seems to me that they take the piss out of him quite a bit and they make out that hes really crazy ha ha. Whats there problem with him?

Rank from sluttiest to nicest ! How would you rank them ?

Amanda Bynes,Ashley Tisdale.Raven Simone,Kaley Cuoco,Miranda Lambert,Hilary Duff,Ashley Olsen,Kellie Pickler,Miley Cyrus,Selena Gomez....Beside the name tell me why this person is chosen where they are.

Feeling depressed after bad critique on my drawings. Advice please?

I'm 13. I'm in 8th grade. I'm enneagram type four. I've been known for totally bashing on myself when I do the wrong things. sometimes I start to cut myself (three scars on my wrist? I think I'm about to make it six... hope not...) I've been known for not being in the state of happiness and I was in a rut in the beginning of the school year. I hated myself for not being popular when everyone around me was. I felt imperfect. I felt I never belonged. I felt the world was such a super dark place and all of that. I was definitely in a rut, and I feel like I'm about to go back in it. I've always felt imperfect. there's this side of me that i feel is over hyper and annoys people, and i really wanted to control it. I use to hurt myself with a rubber band just to chain it. I don't do that anymore and I have gotten better at controlling it. There's this super depressed side of me that acts when I'm left alone. I don't talk. I can't do anything right. I hate and bash on myself the most. but it's also in this stage where I think a lot. My brothers, sister, and uncles have tried to help me a lot and they've told me useful things that I just can't carry out. I feel everyone hates me and I have no self significance. I have a lot of friends and my brother's so popular so some of his friends talk to me, but I can't say I got friends that will help me get over sad stuff completely. I could commit suicide right now and no one would cry when I know that that's not true. everyone says I have a dream life. my family is really rich. but what good is a 9 chaired movie theater with projector and 144sq in. screen when you lose your ability to live? I was having an awesome day today, until I read some critique on my drawings (deviant art account: animemefreak74). I never thought they were pro and I really wish that someone could help me out because there are so many things I'm not clear on. Before I began drawing 7 weeks ago, I totally felt insignificant and I had no self significance. there was nothing good about me, a lot to hate about me. drawing made me feel a lot better. Hearing this, I've lost my ability to carry on. I have been in a drawing rut for almost a week due to lack of practice. now I just, the future that eventually everything would improve and that I'd be able to draw great things has gotten so blurry now. I lost the ability to believe in myself. I can't live. I don't want to do anything. can't even practice. I'm drowning in a pool of failure and I need help to get out.

Why did Michelle Obama fail to attend the 9/11 memorial in nyc today? It looked weird?

To see Mccain, his wife Cindy and Obama attending this joint appearance without Michelle taking part, why is that? Don't you think that will reinforce those sterotypes about her patriotism?

I have a purple bump on my upper eyelid. it is hard and painfull. what is it?

My son had one of these. Was seen by a specialist who told him it was a blocked gland and advised him to put hot(as hot as a bath) compresses on it. Eventually it burst, but if it hadn't after six months they were going to surgically remove it, so your best course of action would probably to see your GP.

Second life crashing when camera is in use?

From experience, unless you have a really nice laptop, Second Life just won't run well on it. I have an HP with 2GB of ram and a good processor, but it runs the game way, way too slowly. My laptop is considered a gaming laptop and if it can barely handle SL then I would doubt the loaner would be able to handle it.

Help me in english plz in pronunciation I have a question?

Are you saying that instead of "looked into" it sounds like "look dinto", and instead of "turned around" it sounds like "turn daround"? It's pretty common in English for us to push words together like that. If you are trying to hear another syllable where a word ends in "ed", so that it sounds like "look-ed" or "turn-ed", then you won't hear that because it's not pronounced that way. It's just one syllable, and it sounds like "lookd" and "turnd", but you definitely pronounce the "d" at the end of any past tense verb. I studied a little Spanish, and I know the consonants aren't usually put together like that without a vowel sound between them or at the end, but English does some strange things.

Should i get the swine flu shot?? if i can?

Yes. There are no cons since the vaccine is made the same way the seasonal flu shot is made. No one has had a bad reaction, not even pregnant women.

Why would the Houston Texans ???

I can understand why they didn't go with Vince Young. He's a joke. Not to mention overrated. But they should have take Reggie Bush, definitely a player who could make a difference for them.

I would like to get a trainers license in Louisiana or Oklahoma to race 1/4s at least.How do I get one? Thanx

My dream is to race horses. I live in the Atk-La-Tex. Please tell me how to obtain a license in Louisiana or Oklahoma to race quarter horses AND thoroughbreds. My undying gratitude!!

Shoe Care instructions...?

I just recently bought a pair of Vans, the ones with the KISS band members on them, and I was wondering, are they 1)Canvas and other Fabrics, 2) Suede(including canvas styles with leather or suede trim), 3)Velvet, Corduroy, Tapestry, Brocade, Barkcloth, Wool and Felt, or 4)Embossed Velvet? Basically, which one of these 4 categories do those shoes fit in? Because I was wondering on how to clean and take care of them so they last long. Thanks.

How do you explain the fact that music today isnt nearly as good as music in the previous centuries? im 17 btw

i agree with you if john lennon was still around he would not tolerate it for a minute molly hatchet led zepplin bob segar NNNNNEEEEEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD to come out with some old new material you got these artists doing remakes and know nothing about the original artists faith hill is guilty of this when she got her first hit take a piece of my heart she did not know janis joplin did it before her i think if you are going to redo a song you need to take a test on the previous artist and everything is so karaoke these days thanks for letting me vent take care and maybe we can jam together take care

Questions about a shelf cage for rats?

I know I already asked this question, but a few more things came up. So first, I know I'm going to put vinyl tiles down on the shelves, but what should I put over them? I hear fleece is good, but can I secure fleece to the vinyl tiles with stick on velcro, or does it have to be sew on? How often do I have to change the fleece, as well as cloth hammocks and toys. How should I clean and disinfect the whole cage itself, It seems like it would be hard to wash and rinse? Also, it seems like it would be hard to get a water bottle to work, will they tip over a water dish, or pee/poo in it? And if I used 1/2 in by 1/2 in hardware cloth for the door, does it have to be powder coated? Also, when my rats get older, what are some ways I can make it easier to get from level to level ( normally I would use ladders, ropes, branches ect.)? thanks for answering my questions!

The ozone layer is located in the.......?

The ozone layer is located in the lower stratosphere from 15 to 35 kilometers above the Earth's surface.

Shelton Benjamin to tna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… would you like that?

Yea, so he could display his talent in TNA were i hope he can be a given a chance to main event matches maybe start a feud with someone in the X-Division.

After pword prompting, I type in the correct pword. but the same page reappears asking for my pword o?

When prompted for my pword, I type it in, click sign in and the same page reappears asking for my pword over and over. I can't access my mail.

Help im ugly!! WHAT DO I DO ??? give me ideas of how to look better please. im stuck !!?

U should have posted a picture. Because in that case we could see your face and advice you things about how to improve your looks.

Would you say something to this teacher?

Yes, I would say something to him and I don't think he would like what I had to say. Is he trying to confuse the children? Talk to other parents to see if the same thing is going on? What is he a grumpy old man? Sorry just that makes me mad.

Ions in water? chemistry gcse?

Though water is a covalent compound formed by sharing of electrons by hydrogen atoms and oxygen atom,and is written as H--O--H,the electronegativity differance gives it a polar character oxygen having more pull gets a negative charge and hydrogen becomes slightly positivly charged.thus in water we get H^+ ion OH^- ion and H3O^+ (hydronium ion)

Reaction Rate of Magesium with Various Acids?

That is correct that the stronger (most dissociated) would react most rapidly; there is no concentration data specified. HCl would be the fastest of those listed and acetic acid is the slowest.

Wich fantasy football team do you think is better?

who is deon butler? both teams need more depth at defense and TE. for team 1 shockey is a risk, if that is your team, drop shockey and get brandon pettigrew if he's out there (lions said that he's going to be an every down player). team 1 has better WRs, but team 2 has better RBs. so here's ur answer: team 1, beacuse of moss, moreno is a huge sleeper

Question about 'time dilation'?

This says that the closer you go to the speed of light, the more time slows down for you compared to others. So you'd go 99.9% the speed of light and you'd get to a star pretty "quick' but when you return to earth they'll have aged more than you, at least form what I've heard. That makes sense to me BUT if we actually had a 'spaceship' that could go at 99.9% that speed of light, I'm pretty sure that the HUMANS that planned the trip would be monitoring the ships progress. Yes, monitoring the ship. When they look at the ship they would see that it takes a hell of alot longer than they expected it too, when in reality its already been there and back? The people who planned the trip would be watching it for 4 years(let's just say that it was 4 light years away) and watching it return for 4 years, where in this whole thing do the people who are monitering the ship get older? This whole 'time dilation' theory makes no sense.

What should i do? is it me?

ok bare with me, its been 4 months that we've been dating. We are two different people shes a little roughneck from south side of chicago and im just the regular joe that's nice, sweet, and kind but my mom raised me so I'm very respectful when comes to females. One night we had a argument, i asked her why has she not shown Perfection as a girlfriend? then she start going out on me and how im not aggressive, that if i complain about perfection, love, showing feelings, and that she smokes in my car (ewww) then she says that I'm a drama queen and i complain more then her girlfriends. So what is it? cause the only time when she shows perfection is when there's a vodka bottle attached to her lips but she denys that, she supposedly attracted to me but then again i just don't know

Is my tetra dying? Its looking a tad faded and its constantly swimming towards the surface.?

i just bought 4 neons today for my new 10 gallon setup and 1 seems a bit under the weather as of being in the tank for about 6-7 hours. theyve all been fine but now this one is swimming towards the top and looking much less shiny than the rest, could it be that he is ill or maybe its the way the light is hitting him? when he swims down more his color sort of comes back...

Where can I find the number of CABG patients in Mumbai?

like the statistical information hospital wise, the prevalence and incidence rates of CABG patients.

My boyfriends Lucifer asteroid number 1930 is conjunct my ascendant in synastry?

Is this good or bad? Or what? Please answer. I can find nothing about it online by goggling. His Vertex is also conjunct my ascendant. Which I guess that means his Lucifer is conjunct his Vertex too. What does this mean??????

Dreams about friends who are deceased?

I keep having this dream about one of my friends who ped away on September 1st. Strangely enough I had another friend who ped away months before her, and I seldom dream about him. I keep having this dream about her and it's never the same dream, I always see her somewhere I recognize but she's always dressed differently. In my dream I know she is not alive but I still go up and give her a hug and tell her that I miss her and she always responds with "I miss you too". I'm not sure why I'm having these dreams, and it may just be my way of dealing with her death... has anyone had similar experiences? Is this something that will eventually stop? Why am I not having dreams of my other friend who ped?

Defrost then refreeze chicken for dogs?

My dog is on a raw food diet, i buy frozen chicken carces from landywoods, it comes as a frozen lump and the only way to get them apart is to thaw them first then part them then back in the freezer. Is this a OK for dogs as the meat is eaten raw.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

9th Grade help with a Few girls...?

yea if they are into running. just ask them to go to the movies or something and if she seems kinda hessitant at first tell her just as friends to get to know her better and then after that ask her out on a date. you'll see if you should just be friends or boyfriend and girlfriend. or you can just take a stabb at it and ask her out.

LT for Willie Parker trade?

I have Parker, Lynch, Grant, and T Jones as my backs. I need to start one RB and one flex. I know LT is hurt and Parker has done well, but I think the upside is too much to turn down. Would you take it?? (I would be getting LT)

They Told Us, Muslims do not even believe in God. They worship a black box in the desert.?

Well, they may not worship the black box in the desert, but they definitely bow towards it, which is just about as stupid as actually worshiping it.

Elliot from scrubs. HOW many guys has she slept with?

jake, that guy in high school who told his friends what her face looked like(even though in another episode she says she has never had 1) the other sean (there were 2...the sea world trainer and her former patient) oh ant that guy...chad i think his name was who stole her virginity when the other guy was in the room asleep... think thats it

Should I take honors algebra and pre-AP Geography next year?

pre-algebra in 9th grade?? wow really? i took algebra in 6th grade, 9th grade I took geometry honors. 10th grade im taking pre-calc. next year is AP calc, the AP Physics

Where are the pengers of Flights 77 and 93 fro 9-11 that crashed into Pennsylvania and Pentagon, buried?

I was just reading some old newspaper articles that state the bodies from the Pentagon were identified by their fingerprints, and a coroner said he identified the penger bodies in the flight that tragically crashed in Pennsylvania, for their families. Did each family get to have their loved one, or at least their misc. body parts buried in their home town or were they all buried together somewhere, and can the public visit to pay their respect?

Anyone remember Lacey from SYTYCD??

am i the only one who HATED her on so you think you can dance? im watching the reruns to MTV right now...it just reminded me over again that she was such a tramp on the show. she was a very good dancer, but just a bit sleazy and always flirting w/the guy partner she had. it just irritates me. its like back up the hormones, geez.

Who really runs Wonderland?

I know most people will say the Queen of Hearts but hear me out. The Queen will sentence people to death but the King pardons them all and both Queen and King try to sentence the Knave of Hearts but the White Rabbit tells them 'not yet' as there is more evidence to see. Basically, the Queen's power is not absolute. Would it be 'safe' to say then, that all three rule Wonderland together?

Help.......I lost my recipe for Lentil Soup in a Crock Pot........?

I got this recipe for a Betty Crocker Magazine. I think I gave it someone on yahoo answers but I'm not sure.

Do u think Houston Texans deserve a shot at the playoffs?

when u look at the AFC playoff pic. Sd are (6-8) and they are in the "hunt" HOU is (7-7) and since the colts are in HOU division i simply think thats not fair do u agree?

What are some awesome user names?

Ok, My name is Mia, but my friends call me mimi and i like dogs, sports, and i like the colors green and blue, my fav candy are jolly ranchers or sour skittles...i ride horses.....i think u get the point. :)

What show is better Supernatural or Terminator: The Sarah Conor Chronicles?

I personally love Supernatural, but then their is my favorite movie series Terminator: The Sarah Conor Chronicles. What do you guys think? Who is better?

How can i recover my yahoo email pword despite having forgotten the zip code i entered and secret qu?

If you have lost all your information then really you would be better to make up a new id, there are ways of it being done I think (ask the hackers) but much easier just to set up a new account and make sure you keep your details written down somewhere

Mint water recipe?

i love metromint water and i wanted to know the correct measurements of peppermint extract and water i dont want any foo foo watermelon or cuber crap just mint water

Help solve physics problem?

A hot-air balloon is ascending at the rate of 11 m/s and is 79 m above the ground when a package is dropped over the side. (a) How long does the package take to reach the ground? (b) With what speed does it hit the ground?

Any Jonas Brother fans in Western Australia, Perth?

Im not going to say they suck. They have some interesting talents when they were on that ellen show. and also YAY PERTH!! WE ROCK!! IM FROM PERTH TOO!!! But we have some serious issues haha

Putting in a new fireplace, chimney problems?

previous occupant of house had a back boiler inside chimney , which was resting on a huge slab of reinforced concrete, i now need to remove at least five inches of this slab in order for my new fire to fit flush to the wall, ive used a bolster chisel and small lump hammer to no avail as it just bounces off concrete slab...any ideas

I have seen there is a Deleted Scene from New Moon where Its a biker driving down the road..?

The scene starts out where the biker is driving down the road, Then he turns around and ends up being slammed off his bike and sliding across the road. Does anyone know who this person is? Or is it like,, Some sort of "Flashback" For how the bikes were before they were damaged? As in before Bella and Jacob fixed them.. If you get my drift.

Car shows in Atl GA for 2010?

Hi, im some what into cars and motorcycles and im dying to go to a car show! does anyone know where can i get some info?? thanks!

I work in a MNC for last 3years in non banking Finance functional, intreasted to do a certification in this.?

I work in a MNC for last 3years in non banking Finance functional like in Accounts Payable, General Ledger, Accounts Receivable. Now I am interested to do a certification course in this, can anyone guide me which is the best certification course available in India.

Iam a student from sri lanka currently studying in russia, can i apply for visit visa for china from russia ?

Iam a student from sri lanka, and now studying in russia for more than 2 years.I have firends in china, so i want to visit china on next september, but i heard that getting visa for china from sri lanka is little difficult in this season , because of olympic. now iam in sri lanka, but in next month i will go back to russia, so i want to know that, can get chinese visit visa from russia to china and what kind of doents need for that ? , please feel free to answer if you know something about that,

Do you agree/like this quote?

“Complacency - a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger. We all fall into the trap of complacency. We are complacent to fit in, complacent to keep our mouths shut, complacently just getting by. Then that part about the potential danger comes into play. That’s when we finally decide to take action instead of sitting around and waiting for the world to be the aggressor. However, sometimes we take action too late and in turn, we regret the time we wasted by waiting around. The good news is that complacency is beatable. You can overcome complacency. You can start fighting for what you believe in, even if you’re in the minority. You can start differentiating between ‘easy’ and ‘right.’ You can start living life without any regrets. Or you can fall into the trap. Just remember that if complacency was truly the best option, ‘easy’ and ‘right’ would be synonyms in the thesaurus.”

Can someone please give me a link to a site that has lists of Italian sonnets?

i find that sonnets.org is very helpful. the only bad thing is, is that you have to do some sifting.


An icosahedron has both I_h and T_h symmetry. Wikipedia has a page about it, with the answers: a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosahedral_symmetry" rel="nofollow"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icosahedral…/a

How would the following examples contribute to culture shock in profound ways?

I.E. taking shoes off when entering the room, whereas another student may fail to do so; French custom to greet each other with kisses, while most Americans feel uncomfortable with that affectionate behavior

Chi-square is used to test differences between ____.?

I thought you would have been right: A test of variance in a normal sample. But it is a test using the sums of the squares of the means so maybe "means" is what they are looking for.

NV Diet Pill (the one Carment Electra advertises for)?

www.google.com has a great deal of information that you could use to find your answers , while yahoo answer is more likely to be better for people's opinions.. thanks.

(Boy) i think im falling in love with my best friend.(boy)?

Awww...cute. He likes you, of that I have almost no doubt. Go there with just him, without the two girls. See what he does. He probably does like you, you know.

1.Does toleration require the removal of religion from the public realm?

Does that mean that tolerates requires the removal of ity from the public realm? To remove something is not tolerate it. Rather it refers to respecting another persons beliefs, and finding a way to keep communication and co-operation open between the two differing groups.

May do something ill regret but i dont know...?

long story but ill sum it up. i was friends with a girl for about 8 years. haven't talked to her since then up until until about 2 years ago. im 22, shes 21. now i made the rather bad decision of telling her that i always had feelings for her in a email shortly after i began talking to her again. so i learn after that she showed her bf and a guy friend of hers. i didnt know she had next to zero respect for me like that. but like a fool i ignored it, also ignored the fact that she was pretty distant after that point. i know i had no buisness sending her that, i guess i wasnt thinking straight. well anyway during all this until last christmas , she would yell at me over the phone and just be generally short with me, she broke up with her bf of 5 years like twice so i guess that counted for something. she also had a friend of hers call me and say to leave her alone, when i thought things werent THAT bad. so anyway a little bit before christmas i text her and ask her why she was being such a *****...so she says i am who i am, and then proceeded to block my number. im probably missing some things but thats the gist of what happened the whole time. now the only thing i feel for her is a profound about of hatred...mainly due to the fact that she most likely showed other people the email i sent her in the first place, she said she showed only those 2..but she may be lying.. i fear i may do something i regret....but i dont know, my thoughts are tered....what do i do?....i thought i was done with all this high school drama bs.....

When Obama ran for election in IL, both times he removed the competition and ran solo.Do you like his tactics?

Being from Illinois and accustomed to chicago politics I don't even bat an eye when a tool like obama is trotted out of the stables and pushed into office.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Very confusing situation... long story, real question. any real help will be greatly appreciated.?

hokay so.... theres this girl that quite frankly, i believe i love. cant stop thinking about her and she is, at this time in my life, one of the few things that can actually make me smile. i am a sopre in highschool and she is a junior. at the beginning of the school year, i had known her for a year and i liked her during the previous year but i made no attempt to get closer. this year that has changed and i am doing everything in my ability to get to the point where i can ask her out. after about three months of getting closer to her i asked my best freind (he had been friends with her since he was young) out of desperation, to call her up, ask if she thought i liked her and what she thought of me (he pretended he had no idea). she said she thought i did like her and that at that time she only liked me as a friend. now, a month later, i have been talking to her pretty much every day. both in person (on the bus everyday) and on aim. she has been opening up much more to me and every once in a while she will bring up the fact that she thinks that she is fat. now, i know that this is a big load of bull so i always just explain to her why she isn't and i just try and comfort her. recently on the bus she has seemed to become much more shy. i normally have to keep the conversation going, but recently it has been like pulling teeth, not to mention that i am shy on my own and find it extremely difficult to do it in the first place. when i get off the bus and i say bye, she says bye as well but on her face is a look of either disappointment or something else, i cant tell. keep in mind though, i have still been talking to her on aim with little difficulty pretty much every day. now i have no idea what she feels about me. whats going on in her head and whats going on?

I am looking for dina viernez the wife of rudy viernez if she read this kindly contact me at 09212784224?

she is now in australia and we need to discussed an important matter about your house here in the philippines so please contact me immediately as you read this. my number is 09212784224

When will SSD be cheaper than HDD?

In 5 years there will probably something to take the SSD place and HHD will die out...In 50 years you will have a computer built into your body powered by your own body...no need for a hard drive at all!

Would John McCain rather lose his integrity than lose an election?

I think that his choice of Palin is his political legacy. Which is a win at all cost strategy. I have lost respect for him because of this. He knows and Palin knows that she is in no way qualified to hold any national office, let alone POTUS. They are actively engaged in a fraud upon our nation. they have her in this room with Bush advisers and she's cramming for a test with reporters. they knowing admit that she has never had a single thought about any national issue. they are going to fill this empty vessel up with empty rhetoric and sell it to the American people like its soap or the latest celebrity gossip. Sure she's goofy, but the fault lies with McSame. He clearly is playing this game just to win. He has no plan or vision for the future. He's even asking us to believe that although he's had serious health problems in the past, Palin will never be a factor. By doing this, he's lost all title to the respect he's once held.

C# Programming? (Algorithms) Determining the day of the week?

Is an absolute nightmare sometimes... I'm doing an IT course in uni, and algorithmically, I have been asked to determine the day of the week in a console application. I have worked out the maths... it is purely just the case of how I could put this in C language!?

Who make up the electoral college, and how is membership determined?

george washington made it, when the population was a lot smaller, it's dumb that it is still around.

LG VU or Blackjack II?

I think to vue is soooo much cooler just cause its touch screen, but if you're going to be paying that money, why not get a 3G iPhone? the iPhone is better than both of those phones, And its touch screen is a lot easier than the vue to use

Should we go through with the surgery? Rosie is only 6!?

If it is a cochlear implant you are talking about then I would seriously consider it. A cochlear implant could make a huge difference to your daughter. Find out as much as you can by talking with your doctor then make a decision based on the information you have and what you feel would be right for Rosie. My father has a cochlear implant and it has changed his life for the better. While his hearing isn't perfect he is now able to sit down and have a conversation with somebody, something that was previously becoming impossible.

How many days is it till december 18, 2007?

i need to have a countdown but idk how many days there are between today and december 18 2007. i think its the 5th today im not sure. please and thank you bests.

London and Manchester, UK in 1930-1940?

I'm writing a story about a girl living in the 1930's in London, I need to get my historical facts correct, did Hilter overtake London? and what were some popular things happening in London through this time. What year would be most intresting for my story? Anywhere from 1930-1940

What's the difference between the clic ghd vs. the professional one?

I am looking for a straightener because my chi died after 2-3 years of use. Anyways, except for the price, what are some big, important differences? Which one should I get? help please & thank you! Is there another straightener you have in mind that's better than a ghd?

What is the top speed of the new bmw 320i sports...?

owned a 99 bmw 323i and new bmw 320i sports which one is better in accelerating and speed between this two model...I just bought the new 320i sports so i want to know which one is more faster...I�m Malaysian..

What Should I do?

Get yourself into an ITT school. They'll give you EVERYTHING that you need to know. It's a tough course, but you can do it big guy.

Will Konoha have allies in the battle against Akatsuki? Naruto fans please comment?

sand will most likely help him, and because of killerbee i am beginning to think that the Raikage will also help. Something has really been bugging me though what ever happened to the star village? I think if he wanted to Masashi Kishimoto could make them a larger village and allow them to help also, but i'm pretty sure that we will see a lot of older and/or new allies in the war.

Can you re-freeze thawed Cordon Bleu??

I invited dinner guest over and put frozen Cordon Bleu's in my fridge to thaw throught the day until I got home tonight to cook them. I just found out they can't make it and don't want the food to go to waste. Can I re freeze them?

In your opinion: Do law enforcement officials "make freedom possible"?

Without police officers, we would live in a society governed by the meanest guy with the biggest gun. Police officers are indeed the thin blue line separating us from anarchy.

Who would really win a fight?

I think Randy Couture easy. Jet Li would be a close second but due to his weight and size Randy would over power him in that respect.

Is it ever safe to drive on ice ?

To be safe you need chains or winter tyres. Without them you run the risk of skidding and a possible accident. That applies equally to 4WD.


hey! ok this is the situation, my mom and my bf dont get along very much bec he wanted me to move to NY w/him bec he has a great job & apartment, his 19 & i'm 18. we are engaged to put it that way, we wanted to move together but my mom disagreed bec she said i was 2 young and thta she didnt approved bec she didnt know him back then, but they met each other & things arent that bad, so, just 2 make my mom happy im gonna stay in my hometown Puerto Rico and study 1 semester here until Dec, then in Dec i'll be moving w/ my bf 2 NY, meen while my bf is gonna be traveling from NY to PR to c me 2 weekends a month!. But before i move we're getting married first. we wanna settle down cuz i cant have a LDR, i'm gonna keep studying and hopefully make it 2 the end! but truth is that i'm affraid when i leave to hurt my mom, i dont wanna c her sad, but i think that by the end of this yr she has to let me go and let me live my life. its not that im gonna cut up communication w/ her or anything! so what u guys think, is it ok 4 me 2 go by Dec and be happy or stay 4 yrs more until i finish my bachelors Degree!? feel free 2 drop ur opinions! thanx

Genetics crossing involving 1 trait?

in squash, the allele for white fruits (W) is dominant over the allele for yellow (w). if a white fruited plant is crossed with yellow fruited plant and all the offspring are yellow, what are the possile genotype of the parents and offspring??

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Can I expect any visible results in 2 weeks of hard weight/cardio training?

Ok, so Christmas is obviously coming up and I want to try and improve how I look in only 2 weeks of training for Christmas. I don't plan on stopping after that but if I really push myself and do a good 1 1/2 hours of weight training in the mornings and do running after work (about 3.5-5km), is it possible to see any visible results in only 2 weeks? I'm about 5'10 and weigh about 80kg and have a bit of a beer gut growing but I'm by no means out of shape....I think my body has great potential in its current state. But if I really push myself, can I lose enough body fat/gain muscle that I might be able to notice in only 2 weeks? I take it giving it up the beer should be obvious if I want results? That's ok if so. Should I diet on top of this routine? I know muscles need protein and I need to lose some fat....should I do the Atkins Diet for the 2 weeks? If no, why not? I want to start the gym in the morning so any help would be great. thanks!

When should i try to conceive again?

me and my boyfriend have only been trying for a couple of months now but its still stressful to always look at the test and never see a BFP.ok i thought i was pregnant but yesterday i started my period. i also took a test yesterday before i came on my period and yet another BFN im getting frustrated... how long should i wait to try again or maybe i should just give up... i wish the rest of you the best of luck and baby dust to everyone=[ =]

Can somebody plz find me 10 poems?

a href="http://vocaroo.com/?media=v6AWvuBaqVSHcdQcM" rel="nofollow"http://vocaroo.com/?media=v6AWvuBaqVSHcd…/a

Swine flu vaccine - effectiveness?

No flu vaccine is 100% effective each and every time you receive it. You will see varying percentages depending on which site you go to but I believe the average is 70% effectiveness which means that your novel H1N1 vaccine will probably work just fine for you. Swine flu vaccines are for pigs. People receive novel H1N1 flu vaccines. Contrary to what "fototag" stated, it takes 2 weeks after receiving a flu vaccine to aculate sufficient antibodies to achieve full immunity, not 2 days.

Usually for me the U.S.A. What do you think the government answer?

usually for me the U.S.A. government has responded but I want to make the test fun with you, what do you answer if you were instead of Obama or Obama's wife or other authorities' that can 'decide, my question and' the following: "Hello, I are the author of Hollywood movies, tours of the song, Rock, Pop, Show and 'my form of safe investment and I do also run a cash payment in the current account of the Bank. I know I can if your diplomatic alliance Saudis, Arabs can 'allow yourself to be sure that Saudi Arabia has my contact? I wrote a few e-mail but I have the answer to the uncertainty because' the Saudi Arabia did not respond but not to respond to me all powerful investment will go 'to the Sultanate of Oman and Yemen in the Opposition, however, even after the victory of the revolution in Yemen will be' paid and to spread freedom 'from dictatorship and will spread' over and e 'to overthrow the regime Saudi Arabia and that 'the tyrant dictator. I mean, if Saudi Arabia is expected to respond to me, the investment will go' to Saudi Arabia. My investment and 'the most' powerful unprecedented boom that existed in the lives of U.S. and the West. My experience and 'also to the authorities' to carry out the dismissals, arrests, trials and to initiate interception with excellent results, I perform my work to any other State, but if it' s 'Saudi Arabia to deny me of what' I introduced myself to them will be 'forced to supply the Yemen rebel and rebel and that' sustained dal'sultanato, Asia and England. I, Dear President of the USA, I turn to you for to avoid the worst of your dear friends Saudi Arabia. You could make you change your mind Saudi Arabia do to prevent further war? My investment and 'always the most' powerful story in the world, 'my brand new Boom special that won the world. I started writing as a child and a teenager, and I have constitutions and institutions, appointed, etc.etc. very often the secret services .----******* ****************************************… ****************************************… ****************************************… ******** THAT YOU ANSWER ME?

Which defense should I start for Week 8?

Dallas or Washington. I think either would be a solid choice. The Bucs may be projected higher, but I don't think they will outperform the other two.

Had ovulation cramps at midnight Wednesday then next day at 3pm? What are my chances of pregnancy?

You spend way to much time on here!! instead of trying to be perfect in everything you try to achieve leave yourself with room to error how are you ever going to learn from your mistakes... Anyway let nature take its course wait a few weeks and get a clear blue digital pregnancy test!! Good luck!

Who do you hope switches brands tommorow?

MVP is coming to Raw, Umaga is going to SmackDown, Maria to Smackdown, Michelle McCool to Raw, Mick Foley to Raw, Jerry Lawler to Smackdown. La Familia will somehow be affected. Maybe the Edgeheads to Raw or Chavo. Oh and I've heard that the US title and IC titles will switch brands but who knows with Jericho and HBK starting their feud. We'll see tomorrow.

Why am I still hung up on him??!!!?

So, me and this guy dated (i was 14 and he was 18 at the time) We dated for about three months. i know that's not a long time. but we had . he was my first and he persuaded me so I did it. bad judgment on my part. So one day while making out on the couch he said, "come on Becca I know you have more tongue then that" well...that's okay but...my name is Mary. Becca is my best friend's name. and then I went through his phone and he was ting with my best friend becca. and One day my, him, and becca were hanging out and I went to bathroom and came back out and saw them kissing on my couch! so i finally dumped him. becca and him have been going out for abut six months now. I haven't talked to either of them since. so after all he's done, why do i still want him back? I keep telling myself its just because he was my "first." but i don't know. help?! he was also my first serious boyfriend and i was young.

Mitt Romney's father was a Presidential canidate in 1968?

until he lost the primery election to Nixon. How cold he have been a canidate if he was a Mexican, he was born in Mexico?

What can be a good outline for this research paper title ?

i was wondering what can be a good outline or a good start for this research paper title "A Critical ysis about Biblical Truths in C. S. Lewis' The Chronicles Of Narnia : The Last Battle" im having trouble how to make an outline for this

I need HELP - PLEASE?!?

on llmewire type in low and then different choices come out and u cwan download da clean version or the dirty version and it really works, ive tried it before or go here

If your yahoo account gets suspended...?

how long is it suspended for, and can u ever get it back? mine got suspended bc i gave out my aim sn online and yahoo ddnt like that

Who do u have in the Falcons vs Saints game on Monday? Final score?

falcons by 50% and saints 50% i think it will be a close game but i think falcons are going to win im not sure

E60 on 53plate recently when i drive it around 60mph up untill 80mph my car shakes?

its not a speed warning as they would have just put an annoying alarm in the cab which would be much cheaper than designing a device to shake the car at 70 mph and don't forget they can drive at greater speeds on autobahn i think you will find that its a simple case of poor wheel balancing or alignment have you had the rear wheels tracked as most people don't realise that they can be out of alignment too especially if they take them up and down curbs regularly i doubt if its a transmission or prop shaft problem as these will result in a humming and the shake would gradually get worse and not just appear and then go away

Question about addictions.?

Is it possible for gambling addiction to be hereditary. My parents and grandparents all seem to be addicted to gambling, I don't gamble for the fact that I've done it before and know I would get addicted. Could I have gotten this from my parents and grandparents?

How many kids does Rodney Atkins have?

I was looking on GAC's website and it only talks about Elijah. However, it does say that Elijah is his first birth son. Does that mean that he has adopted kids or something like that?

If Iran and Israel went to War and no other countries got involved and nukes could be used who would win?

The U.S.A, Britain, Syria, Iraq, Russia, China, Canada, Germany, France, Pakistan none of them get involved not even Jordan and Iraq which are between them

Can anyone help me with genetics?

How do you solve a problem where the parents both have a genotype of AaBbCc and then find the probability of the outcomes?

Will bouncing on a excises trampoline help me loose weight?

will 30 minuets of bouncing on an excises trampoline a days help me to loose weight and tone up plus drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and having bran flakes with no Sugar and the lowest fat milk every morning and then at around 1pm i have more bran flakes and then around 5 i have a healthy but small meal and then a healthy snack like a peace of fruit at around 6pm and then nothing after that just water will that help me loose weight and is that to much to eat? thanks.


I do not know if this makes you a bad boyfriend but you probably are not winning any brownie points. And I think its obvious that you are not a man yet!

Whats this song? and who's it by?

ok, i don't really have much info about this song which i know really doesn't help... but iv heard it a few times on radio 1 this week, the base line of the song sounds very much like pendulum, starts off with a very slow repetitive guitar solo then kicks in with the above pendulum style of song, male vocalist, if anyone listened to scott mills today around 5pm it played just before evanescence bring me to life !!! please help ! xxxix

Saturday, November 5, 2011

I have crocheting problem can i cut it?

It really depends on how much you have done and how much further you have to go. First of all can you see where this all started? The reason is that if it's not too far it would be best if you pulled it down. If you have a ways to go you can do a 1 dc decrease at the beginning and end of a row. then do several more rows and do the same. You do know that with so many stitches eventually someone will make the remark that something it wrong with one of the blankets. So you have two choices. Rip it down and they will be the same or start decreasing the stitches. The decision will be yours but don't wait too long and do more on the blanket and then decide to make it right and have so much more work to do.