Monday, November 7, 2011

Would John McCain rather lose his integrity than lose an election?

I think that his choice of Palin is his political legacy. Which is a win at all cost strategy. I have lost respect for him because of this. He knows and Palin knows that she is in no way qualified to hold any national office, let alone POTUS. They are actively engaged in a fraud upon our nation. they have her in this room with Bush advisers and she's cramming for a test with reporters. they knowing admit that she has never had a single thought about any national issue. they are going to fill this empty vessel up with empty rhetoric and sell it to the American people like its soap or the latest celebrity gossip. Sure she's goofy, but the fault lies with McSame. He clearly is playing this game just to win. He has no plan or vision for the future. He's even asking us to believe that although he's had serious health problems in the past, Palin will never be a factor. By doing this, he's lost all title to the respect he's once held.

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