Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Do you agree/like this quote?

“Complacency - a feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often while unaware of some potential danger. We all fall into the trap of complacency. We are complacent to fit in, complacent to keep our mouths shut, complacently just getting by. Then that part about the potential danger comes into play. That’s when we finally decide to take action instead of sitting around and waiting for the world to be the aggressor. However, sometimes we take action too late and in turn, we regret the time we wasted by waiting around. The good news is that complacency is beatable. You can overcome complacency. You can start fighting for what you believe in, even if you’re in the minority. You can start differentiating between ‘easy’ and ‘right.’ You can start living life without any regrets. Or you can fall into the trap. Just remember that if complacency was truly the best option, ‘easy’ and ‘right’ would be synonyms in the thesaurus.”

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