Sunday, November 13, 2011

Questioning serious boyfriend...?

I stated dating my boyfriend when I was still a senior in high school (18), and he was 21. I must have been too young or unexperienced with finances to see the signs that my boyfriend was struggling with money, but don't most college students struggle with money? We've been dating for a year now, and I am a sopre in college because of AP transfer credits. I am projected to graduate in spring 2013 ( a year ahead). My boyfriend, on the other hand, has been in school since Fall 2007, and he will not graduate with his Bacholors until 2014 being a full-time student for 7 years to become a secondary math education teacher. He is pretty much completely on his own when it comes to money. He works at a gas station and is constantly struggling to make ends meet, and his parents will occasionally bail him out of a negative account balance... It concerns me that he is having so much difficulty not only finishing school but having serious financial problems. I must have overseen these things before, but now that we are much more serious and talking about a future together, I am weary it will be a long time before he will be able to be financially stable again. I love him and spending time with him, and I know he is a hard worker, but I feel like he is not giving his full effort into his education because even though he has student loans, he has still gave up in cles and recieved F's before. I've talked to him about this, and he says the only reason he really went to college was to get a stable job and because his parents wanted him to. I know he loves automotive, but every time I suggest that would be a fun job or say wouldn't you like doing that?, he gets upset and tells me not to start talking about it. Maybe he's just a normal college student, but it just seems like he's really missing a pion or even a care for his current education path of secondary math education... Can anyone relate or decode what is going on or what should be done?

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