Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Rate this joke on a 1 - 10 scale if 10 is the lowest, OK?

Brazzington hit Burlington about midnight. The night was clear and the road was crisp and bright from the headlights he had just cleaned at the Sunoco station 20 miles back. "Oh darn it," Brazzington screamed at the top of his lungs to nobody since he was alone, "I am a lunatic. I am a lunatic. I am insane" Suddenly a Genie came out of the day/night mirror with the radio station number glowing in the extra cost radio option embedded in the El Dorado mirror. The Genie said "Brazzington, I will grant you one wish. I would suggest you do not wish for a million wishes because if you do I will crinkle your backbone and smash your head with these hammers I am holding." Brazzington thought for a while and screamed at the Genie, "You are insane too! I must say the chant that Buffy and Willow left written down inserted in my right pocket which holds the pocket protecter and the little six inch ruler. So here goes: 'E Pluribus Insane; E Pluribus Brain; E Pluribus put a big hex [no more space]

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